Roadmap for future versions of RayViz
Version 2.0
Completely redone camera controls, to allow greater freedom of movement
and ease of use
Ability to load and view arbitrary obj files.
Better UI with the ability to naturally manipulate camera parameters and
shading options.
"Single-Render Mode," in which the user can have the software save a
rendering of the scene from the current viewport. The user can set the resolution
and shading model of the render. The purpose is the generation of high-quality images
for use in lectures and presentations.
Separate ray tracing library. The ray traversal engine will be completely re-written,
and released as a separate library under the LGPL v2.1
Release of an independent ray recording and storage library, for potential future use
in loading and visualizing ray data generateed by 3rd parties.
Version 3.0
Programmable ray tracing shaders will be added, allowing students to write and visually debug
there own shading program.
The addition of path tracing shaders to the current crop of pre-defined shaders.
Visualization support for ray tracing algorithms (such as path tracing) that feature
multiple diveregent paths per pixel.
Allow the visualization of ray traversal through the various sorts of view-dependent
and view-independent acceleration structures.